
Page Properties

The Page Properties allow you to change several important page-specific details for each page of your site, controlling such things as what it's called, whether it is actually visible on the site, how it is presented to search engines, and whether it can display a variety of topbar images.

General Settings

Page Menu Name - the name of the page as it appears on the navigation menu. This can be changed at any time, but it's wise to keep this short and punchy. Limited to 20 characters to prevent unsightly wrapping on left menus sites.

Page Visibility - controls the status of the page, including

Visible on Menu and Sitemap: can be seen by everyone.
Visible on Sitemap: can be seen on the sitemap, but is not shown on the menu.
Hidden: the page is not shown on the menu, but is accessible through links or to anyone who knows its specific web address.
Switched Off: the page is not shown on the menu or accessible through links, and the address redirects to the Home page.

Extended Page Settings - Page Title, Description & Keywords ('META' tags)

Good page titles are very important for search engines! These fields let you tailor the title that appears at the top of your browser window, the description used by Google when displaying a page in results, and the Keywords embedded in a page's code. In these days of exceptionally powerful search engines, keywords are seldom worth bothering with unless you are in a very competitive sector, but descriptions, and especially the page title, are well worth doing properly for each page on your site.

Topbar Image Selection

On many sites that we design the administrator may choose a different banner image from the appropriate location in their Image Bank to go at the top of each site page. There may also be an option to choose several images and have these fade from one to another in an elegant and eye-catching manner. Thgis facility lets you configure these options.

plexus webstarter 6 - editing page properties

This is how the Page Properties panlel will look on your site. As no two sites we develop are exactly the same, the features offered on your site may vary slightly.

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