
Creating Unique and Accurate Page Titles

The title of your page tells both visitors and search engines what the topic of the page topic is, and it is the next most important factor to consider when optimising your web page. Search engines place a very high level of importance on title tag keywords, especially so if this matches and complements keywords in your page text. The title is also what the search engines usually use for the title of your listing in the search results.

** NOTE: The WebStarter CMS we provide you with includes 'Page Properties' buttons on each page to let you easily edit all of your page Titles. **

Is every one of your page titles optimised? For best results in the engines they really all must be!

Page Title Tag limits:
Keep them short - between 50 to 80 characters including spaces (about 12 to 15 words).  Longer than that and the search engine will probably truncate them.

Page Title Tips

  • Include 1 or 2 of your most important page keywords or phrases in the title tag, but don't just list keywords as this risks being seen as spamming by the search engines and may lead to your site being blacklisted by them. Your page title tag should include your keywords whilst remaining as close to a readable sentence as possible - remember it's for your visitors as well as search engines.
  • Make your title appealing! Even if you get a #1 listing in search engines results your listing title still needs to say something that will impel the user to actually click through and visit your site.
  • Each page of your site should have it's own tailored page title tag with its own keywords that relate accurately to the page content and topic.

How to Edit Your Page Titles

1) Click on the 'Page Settings' button on the page you are editing . .

webstarter6 - page settings

2) The Page Settings controls will load, giving you access to controls for changing the page name, visibility on the site, and several search engine optimisation options - including 'Change Page Title' . . 

webstarter6 - change page title

3) Enter your new page title making sure you pay attention to the tips at the top of this page, then clcik the 'Update Page Settings'button to confirm.

As you will see, the Page Settings also lets you update your page META Description and META Keywords information. We advise all customers to enter description text, but META Keywords are only of minor imprtance these days and only worth doing if you operate in a very competitive sector and need that axtra 0.5% advanatge over your competitors.

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