
Setting Up and Using Image Galleries

This facility lets you set up galleries of images which can then be switched on/off on a page-by page basis. A Gallery is a collection of images which are displayed in a neat grid of 'thumbnails' on a page. When a thumbnail iamge is clicked it triggers a 'lightbox' gallery displaying larger versions of the images, letting users cycle through them as they please. Images are chosen from those you've already added to your Image Bank.

There are two steps in adding an Image Gallery to a page:

1) Create an image gallery, configuring it to display the images you want.
2) Choose the gallery to have displayed on the page.

plexus webstarter 6 - image galleries

Creating a new Image Gallery

The 'Edit Galleries section of Site Settings shows you a list of the galleries you have available (assuming these have already been set up). To create a new gallery, click on the 'Add' link, and you are then presented with this panel which lets you configure the gallery . .

plexus webstarter 6 - image galleries

1) Click on 'Add New Item to Gallery' to view the images in your Image Bank, and select the one you want. Repeat the process adding more image until you are happy it is complete.

2) Click on the 'Edit' link beside each image preview to add a title and description which will be displayed beneath the image in the gallery.

3) Add a logical gallery name, and this will be displayed in your Edit Galleries table, making selection in the future easier. You can also choose to have the gallery title dieplayed publicly if you want by clciking the appropriate box.

4) Tick the 'Display the Title Publicly' if you want the name of the gallery shown on your public web page.

4) Click on 'Update' to confirm the creation of the new gallery, and its title will now be displayed in your Edit Galleries list.

Re-ordering gallery images: If you want to change the order of the images in your gallery, click on 'Edit' beside its name in your Galleries list, and then on 'Reorder Items' link at the top. You can then click on the arrows to the left of each image to  over it up in the order.

plexus webstarter 6 - re-ordering gallery pictures

Adding a Gallery to a Page

Now that you've created a gallery you can add this to the web page you are working on.

1) Click on the 'Edit Pages' tab at the top left of the window, and then navigate to the page you want to add the gallery to.

2) Click on the 'Page Settings' button in the blue control panel.

webstarter6 - edit page properties

3) The Page Settings will load, showing several configuration options. The second of these is Page Format, and a dopdown menu lets you choose different layouts . .

webstarter6 - gallery dropdown

4) Select 'Standard Layout with Gallery', and then confirm this change by clicking on the 'Update Page Settings' button.

webstarter6 - update page

5) The blue control panel at the foot of your page will now show an extra button - 'Choose Gallery. Click on this.

webstarter6 - choose gallery

6) The Page Gallery drop-down will then let you selct whihc gallery to dsiplay on this page . .

webstarter6 - choose gallery

webstarter6 - choose gallery 2

7) Click on the 'Choose Gallery button to confirm your selection. Now, when you look at the final page it will look something like this . . .

webstarter6 - gallery view

and clicking on one of the thumbnail images will load a larger version of the image in a lightbox window and allow the viewer to cycle through the whole gallery . . .

webstarter6 - gallery view

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