
Manage Images

The new admin control strip includes a tab called 'Manage Images'. This new facility lets you easily add and manage all of the graphic images on your site. You have full control of uploading new pictures, organising them in folders, and deleting images which you no longer use.

manage images tab

Once logged in, click on 'Manage Images' to view you're site's Image Bank . . .

manage images - list view

You'll see that the Image Bank page is split into two panes. The one on the left shows the folder structure, and the one on the left list the images contained in those folders. Click on a folder in the left pane to see the images within it listed on the right . . .

image bank - click corner to view as thumbnails

By default the Image Bank is displayed in list format, but you can switch to thumbnail mode if you prefer. Both views provide infromation about the file name, the sizes of each image held in the bank (three sizes if your original was large when uploaded), a 'rename' option, and the trash icon so you can delete unused images.

When you are using the Image Bank to select a picture to illustrate a page, it's often more convenenient to view the Image Bank in 'thumbnail' mode. You switch to list view by clicking on the 'Thumbs' link top right of the right pane - see illustration below.

manage images - thumbnail mode

As well as giving you an overview of the images already held in your Image Bank, the Manage Images facility also lets you add new folders to group images, and upload new images.

To Create a New Folder:

  1. In the left pane, select the folder within which you want to create a new one by cliking on it.
  2. in the right pane, click on the 'Create Subfolder' button.
  3. Type in a suitable name for the folder and click 'confirm'.
  4. The folder will then appear in the left pane nested withkin your chose folder.

To Upload a New Image:

  1. In the left pane, select the folder within which you want to store the new image.
  2. in the right pane, click on the 'Upload Image to this Folder' button. The page will reload revealing an upload facility offering three upload options (see below)
  3. Click on the 'Choose File' button in the green, orange or blue panels depending on your needs, and to navigate to where the image file on stored on your computer.
    Click the 'Upload' button to complete the upload process.

The upload facility gives you three options depending on your needs and skills . .

  • Option 1: Upload and automatically resize image - this is the simplest option letting you choose an image on your computer and have it uploaded and sized automatically at small, medium and large sizes. Quick and simple, and the best option if you are not versed in the obscurities of preparing images yourself.
  • Option 2: Upload, crop and automatically resize image - this lets you upload an image and then use an online 'crop' facility to trim it to the section of the photo you want to use. Once that's done the system then creates small, medium and large versions of the image. Handy if you want to crop an image but don't have the Photoshop skills to do it yourself.
    Option 3: Upload without resizing - if you're skilled in the use of Photoshop and want to size, crop and retouch each image yourself, then this is the option for you, as it simply uploads your finished image exactly as you have prepared it and without making any further changes.

manage images - upload new images

Image Upload Notes:

Your original image should be in .JPG or .GIF format. If an image with the same name is already stored in this folder of your Image Bank then it will be overwritten by the new one.

If there is any punctuation in the file name this will be removed by the system. (Some symbols such as ampersands are reserved by the operating system of the server, so must be removed to prevent potential problems).

If large enough, and you use Option 1 or Option 2 (Option 3 uploads with no changes), your original image will be saved to your site’s Image Bank in three sizes suited to different uses:

  1. a thumbnail image, commonly used in pages with lots of text so that the text can 'wrap' around the image.
  2. a medium size as wide as your main text column which can be used between paragraphs on pages.
  3. a large version which cwill automatically be used as the 'pop-up' version when viewing a gallery or slideshow.
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