
Optimising Your Images "alt" Attribute

The images on your page can help your listings too. Each image on your page can include a keyword phrase or two as an 'alt' tag that relates to the image. An 'alt' tag is the the name label that pops up when your cursor hovers over an image. This text also shows up to help those that may have their images turned off when visiting your site. This does not work for all engines, but it certainly does not hurt,  so we recommend you give it a try where you can.

Tag limits:  We do not recommend using more than a brief sentence to describe an image.

Image Alt Tag Tips

  • Be sure to use the keyword phrases that you also used in the copy of your page, title tag, and meta description.
  • Don't try to squeeze a large number of keywords into the "alt" attribute. We recommend using no more than 2-3 per image and try to construct a short readable sentence.
  • Describe the image - do not just list keywords.
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