

What YOU have to do to help your site succeed in search engines, and why we can't do it for you

When we build a web site for you we ensure that it is as 'indexable' by search engines as possible, and that the graphics, navigation and layout are also optimised to provide an enjoyable and effective information resource for your visitors. The content management system (CMS) we provide allows you to optimise your page text, titles and descriptions to target your business sector effectively through search engines, and also to add and edit links pointing to other sites to encourage effective reciprocal linking.

However, because we are expert web designers and developers, not specialist copywriters or marketing consultants, we cannot provide you with tailored text, page titles or descriptions for your site. We simply don't and can't have the intimate day-to-day knowledge of your business that you have, and therefore cannot anticipate the sort of keywords or phrases your potential customers might search for. In addition, this sort of site optimisation if properly done is an ongoing one, with modification best carried out very frequently in response to your site's traffic reports and customer feedback. Consequently this ongoing optimisation is best done by you personally.

How to get started

We suggest that you start by looking closely at your competitors web sites. What phrases have they used? Have they failed to include a key phrase that you consider important to your customers. If so, add it to your site.

If you find that one of your competitors achieves high prominence in search listings for a given phrase, look at their site, examine it, and learn how they have achieved this. Try to create phrases which effectively mean the same, but don't merely copy them. If you can use unusual terms or descriptions specific to your product, then this will help you to stand out from your competitors.

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